OLC Cleans up Route 22

The Oblong Land Conservancy is part of a Nationwide effort to beautify our highways.  Thousands of communities in all 50 states have signaled their commitment to keeping America beautiful by adopting stretches of highway and pledging to keep them litter-free.  Two years ago the Oblong Land Conservancy (OLC) obtained a Highway Work Permit from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and entered into a formal agreement to adopt a 2-mile segment of Route 22 in the Town of Pawling as part of the NYSDOT’s Adopt-A-Highway Program.  Currently there are approximately 2,400 such agreements in place for this program that cover about 5,000 miles of roadsides in New York State alone.

On Saturday, April 25th, the OLC conducted their first cleanup of 2015 with the help of 5 volunteers, and collected over 20 bags of trash along 1/2 mile of highway.  The OLC conducts 4 cleanups a year, and is a volunteer-based non-profit land trust.  As such, we value and rely on the help of other volunteers.  Please contact our office if you are interested in helping with future cleanups.  The more help we have, the better our chances of maintaining a litter-free highway that everyone can enjoy.
